ExactVAL offers valuation-oriented training courses on a variety of different topics, aimed at employees of pension consultancies and pension advisers. Full details available in this file.
Training objectives & methodology:
Our underlying objective is to provide attendees with knowledge that they will actually use going forward (rather than forget about in two days' time). We therefore:
- focus on the basics
- use worked examples to illustrate each point
- make our sessions as interactive as possible
- provide handouts which are low in volume and designed to be referred to frequently
- limit the number of attendees on any one course to 10
Course grading & prerequisites:
The courses are graded A, B or C, with A- and B-graded courses being half-day sessions (3.5 hours) and C-graded courses taking up a whole day (two 3-hour sessions).
Overview of the current course range:
- A01: Basic Components of a Liability Calculation
- A02: Mortality
- A03: Preservation of Benefits
- A04: Yields & Interest Rates
- B01: Rules of Thumb
- B02: Manual Calculations
- C01: Valuations – Best Practice
- C02: Superval21 – Best Practice
- C03: Valuation Methods
Course prerequisites:
- Grade ‘A’ courses (A01-A04) are designed for new graduates with no experience. These courses would be suitable right from day one, and would be relevant for employees during their first year of employment.
- Grade ‘B’ courses (B01-B02) are designed as a follow-up to the ‘A’ series. Attendees should be comfortable with most of the material covered in the ‘A’ series before taking a ‘B’ series course. Grade ‘B’ courses are, however, still designed for relatively junior staff, and could easily follow on quickly from the ‘A’ series.
- Grade ‘C’ courses (C01-C03) are designed for more advanced analysts, typically with more than one year’s experience and aimed specifically at those carrying out defined benefit valuation work.